The Technological Environment in South Africa

R&D incentives enable research that promotes the strategic development of basic science and priority science areas through science promotion, human capital development, and provision of research infrastructure and re-level support in pursuit of South Africa’s transition to a knowledge economy,

  • Taxpayers can claim an additional 50% of qualifying expenditure preapproved by the Department of Science and Technology, resulting in a 150% deduction. New and unused R&D machinery or plants will qualify for a four-year write-off (50%, 30%, or 20%) if they meet the criteria.
  • The Support Programme for Industrial Innovation promotes technology development by providing financial assistance focusing on the development phase when a prototype has been produced.
  • South Africa has 2,098,802 total subscriptions for telephone-fixed lines, ranked 55th highest globally(2020). Total subscription to mobile cellular is 96,972,500, making it the 17th highest globally (2019)
  • Total roadways are 750,000 km (2016), with 158,124 km paved.
  • Total railways are 20,986 km(2014) with standard gauge: 80 km (2014) 1.435-m gauge (80 km electrified), narrow gauge: 19,756 km (2014) 1.065-m gauge (8,271 km electrified) and, other (2014) 1,150 km (passenger rail, gauge unspecified, 1,115.5 km electrified).

Payment methods

  • Yoco and Slide are examples of peer-to-peer payment technology solutions that are helping expand economic opportunity to a broader segment of the population by making it easier and more affordable for South Africans to access and send money.
  • 70% of the population uses the internet as of 2020.
  • The IT Exports (% of total goods exports, 2020) for South Africa was 0.92%, the 3rd in Africa and 58th globally.
  • The innovations index for South Africa is 32.70 points sitting 2nd in Africa and 61st globally (2021).
  • South Africa has 407 airports, 130 of them with paved runways (2021).


  • African cable system is the first private venture made towards under-sea cable infrastructure that provides affordable bandwidth through volume discounts and large bandwidth growth
  • The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) rollout of South Africa Connect plans to connect 90% of the South African population to the internet by 2020 through the State IT Infrastructure Company’s project. The project aims to deliver 100% broadband connectivity to government facilities by 2020.

Radio Telescope

MeerKat is the cutting edge of high-performance data processing for technological progress and digital skills building. MeerKAt will have significant benefits for South Africa in terms of research and development, skills building, data processing, and international collaboration, thereby strengthening the country’s technological readiness and overall economic activity.

  • South Africa has a limited number of active investors in technology startups, forcing early-stage companies to generate revenue and achieve profitability soon after launching.
  • The budget for technological advancement manufacturing is compromised, due to the low employment rate and the removal of corrupt politicians, causing technology to stagnate.
  • 70% of the population use internet as of 2020, ranked 5th highest in Africa and 23rd highest globally.


Digitization is disrupting travel, banking, auditing, retail, and many other industries: the rapid adoption of game-changer technology. What used to take several inefficient steps can now be automated with a rapid reduction in costs but also at the expense of many jobs.

  • With The large number of high-profile cyber-attacks and other online vulnerabilities, demand for IT security products and software is high as well. Peer-to-peer payment and point-of-sale payments companies are opportunities for faster and safer financial technology.
  • The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) rollout of South Africa Connect plans to connect 90% of the South African population to the internet by 2020 through the State IT Infrastructure Company’s project. The project aims to deliver 100%.
  • High tech exports (% of manufactured exports, 2020) for South Africa was 5.62%, 4th in Africa and 73rd globally.
  • The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) operates 4 TV stations, 3 are free-to-air and 1 is pay TV;, a private station, is accessible to more than half the population; multiple subscription TV services provide a mix of local and international channels.
  • A well-developed mix of public and private radio stations at the national, regional, and local levels; the SABC radio network, state-owned and controlled but nominally independent, operates 18 stations, one for each of the 11 official languages, 4 community stations, and 3 commercial stations; more than 100 community-based stations extend coverage to rural areas
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